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Client Showcase

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Client Showcase

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Client Showcase

Leading for Human Performance

The Professional Services environment can easily breed competitiveness, anxiety, and transactional relationships, especially as the work becomes increasingly complex with an unrelenting pace of change. Accenture Technology decided to proactively enable their leaders to thrive, collaborate and inspire in this environment for their clients, their teams and for themselves as individuals.

Potential Project and Accenture initiated the agile co-creation and rapid prototyping of an innovative new leadership program called Leading for Human Performance. The program was launched with the senior most global leadership team in Accenture Technology and has subsequently been cascaded to thousands of senior leaders all over the world.

At the program's core is the unravelling of the commonly-held belief that leadership is an either/or game as opposed to a constant balancing of multiple leadership polarities.  The ability to both drive high performance and be a human leader are not mutually exclusive goals. Leaders are given a framework along with practical approaches for how to integrate and work with polarities –  for setting a high bar of success while showing genuine care for people, for hitting targets without creating burnout, for delivering growth while preserving the commitment to employee care, for leading with deep expertise while remaining open to innovation and change, and for facing sometimes unpleasant realities while focusing on enabling future improvements.

The program is delivered as either four, 1-hour virtual workshops or a 1-day in-person workshop. Workshop themes include: Sustainable Speed, Selfless Innovation, Caring Performance, and Wise Optimism.

The current and next generation of Technology Leaders at Accenture are embracing the new paradigm of human-centered leadership in the age of AI and using this to drive change and success for their clients and teams. 

accenture program components
multi-session journeys offering iconhuman leadership assessment iconjumpstart offering icon
8 years collaboration to date
35,000+ people touched
350+ programs and retreats 

Benefits of the Program

No program can do everything, but we confidently promise that you will feel:

  • A sense of renewal and fresh commitment to your work;
  • Optimism and energy about moving forward;
  • Deeper connection to the kind of leader you want to be and confidence on how to get there;
  • Movement from just coping to thriving and growing as a leader.

We invite you on a journey that has been hugely beneficial to participants before you.

Net Promoter Score
Rating for Facilication
 Investing deeply in human connection and compassion with candor are the most important leadership traits of our time.
Potential Project has cracked the code on how to lead with both heart and mind.

Ellyn Shook

Chief Leadership & Human Resources Officer, Accenture​
“Great course and at a critical time, as we look to our performance and ourselves to ensure we do the best for our teams.”

— Managing Director, Salesforce
“I took something from every call and was able to action and implement it with results.”

— Managing Director, Cloud First
"Everything was absolutely well thought out, well planned, delivered extremely well, with a lot of experience, energy and passion!"

— Managing Director, Gallia